Pons Consulting’s short courses

Presentation skills for professionals – Practice makes perfect

A refreshing opportunity to unlock your personal best for different types of presentations. Delegates  build confidence through understanding the key concepts and practicing powerful, engaging, and practical presentations that “wow” the audience. This is a short skills programme run over 4 half-day onsite sessions with delegates.

Managing time for results - Plan, act and evaluate

Where does your time go? If you’re on a treadmill with the busy syndrome killing you, this programme is for you. If you snooker yourself with meetings, admin gone wrong or getting lost in detail that is irrelevant or just want to further hone the use of your time, the tried and tested techniques this programme offers will be a revelation. This can be facilitated by webinar or on-site.

Managing conflict - The art of handling difficult conversations

The one thing many of us avoid is conflict. So we live with unfinished business that impact our psyche and performance. This will give you the courage to tackle seemingly unpleasant and difficult spaces with EASE. It clarifies the cost (personal, team and organisation) of failing to confront conflict, the physical danger of poorly handled conflict, the perceptions developed through contempt. Delegates learn to engage the “cycle of courage” to unlock new perceptions and behaviours. Delegates walk away confident to take on previously unchartered territory through adopting constructive approaching to discussing previously unfinished business. This is typically a one-day intervention.

Other short courses

    • Managing change - for the new world of work
    • The time bomb! – removing the blinkers
    • Recruiting and selecting the right people
    • Powerful communication for positive results
    • Dealing with the workplace bully
    • Managing toward goals, planning and results

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